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اكتشفوا جميع المتطوعين المشاركين في مشاريعكم


Hakim Khalid


 Hello, my full name is Khaled Hakim, I am 23 years old, a student at the Institute of Hospitality and Catering. I love reading and creative writing, as well as writing foreign and Arabic songs.

The love of helping others is a matter of self-confidence that brings happiness and tranquility to its owner by spreading peace and planting smiles in the face of others.

My dream is to become a famous chef My world, and I have the passion to do that, and I also have other humanitarian goals, including visiting villages and different regions in the world and sharing my positive energy, happiness and contentement by creating a dish that contains happy ingredients, colors and And tastes that will plant smiles in people's hearts 

! إذا لم تكونوا من متطوعي دير يديك بعد و تودون أن تصبحوا متطوعين مثله، فأنتم تعلمون ما يمكنكم فعله

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