
They lived the Dir iddik experience and witness

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Question 1

What is the major project of your organization?

The organization “Jeunes d’Atlas” launches, from the city of Taroudant, the “Anarouz” Caravan which consists of developing and rehabilitating schools in rural and mountainous areas.
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Question 2

Do you have other projects?

Indeed, right after the “Anarouz” Caravan, our organization put together the Al Amal Holiday Camp, which welcomed more than 200 children from rural areas to encourage them to read, under the slogan "I am finishing my studies so that I can help my country tomorrow".
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Question 3

Why is it important to take an interest in volunteering at a young age?

The interest given to volunteering constitutes a scale and a criterion for measuring the degree of commitment of future generations. This is the way to produce an active, innovative, creative generation with new ideas. It is also the way to build a safe and innovative nation and to keep young people as a leading source of ideas that works for humanity in various fields.
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Question 4

How do you encourage young people to volunteer?

The organization “Jeunes d’Atlas”, through “Anarouz” Caravan, Madinati urban neighborhood rehabilitation and Al Amal Holiday Camp projects, works to promote the culture of volunteering. The Shabab Up project is working more on raising awareness among young people through training, practice and experience since 2004.
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Question 5

What are the attributes needed in a volunteer?

The main attribute of a volunteer is selflessness and to work freely for his nation.
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Question 6

A final word

We encourage all young Moroccans, just like their Arab and foreign counterparts, to commit themselves to volunteering in order to serve humanity and be true to themselves.
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