Volunteering for me is receiving more than giving

Question 1
What interests you most in volunteering ?
Volunteering for me is receiving more than giving. Personnaly, volunteering allows me to participate to positive change in the society, feel useful and engaged in good cause, without forgetting the nice part about meeting new people and expanding my contacts network.
Question 2
Why engage in volunteering when you are young ?
« We are not born vounteers, we become one ». Volunteering commitment usually happens at a moment where motivations are different than looking for personal or professional experiences. I am 20 years old and I can guarantee you that there are so many positive effects such as well being, optimism, courage and boldness
Question 3
Which dir iddik charter value is closer to you ?
I would have to say these four: optimism, sharing, solidarity and respect. My motto in life is « enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realize they were big things ». You need to enjoy the small details and good moments spent while volunteering !
Question 4
Can you share with us your most unexpected memory as a volunteer !
There are many memories that haunt my mind at this time. I remember very well that on March 8th , the woman’s day, with JCI CasaIMPACT, we organized an afternoon for moms and daughters of a primary school at Hrawyin District. We did a workshop on child behaviour for moms along with henna and educational games for little girls. It was such a memorable day !
Question 5
If the days were 25 hours long, what would you do with this extra hour ?
If the days were 25 hours long, I would read more and donate more of my time to charity. The ideal for me would be an infinite day, but that’s just a dream … an extra hour in the associative work and volunteering would be a pleasure.
Question 6
Finally, the question you would like us to ask you ?
I would ask why volunteering and not a paid part-time job ? Why did I choose to spend more time in volunteering rather than work and earn money ; knowing that I am still a student ? The answer is simple ; volunteering and associative work provides me joy, peace and fullfilement. Nothing in the world could replace a child’s smile or moments with old people who shower you with da’awat. I’ll have time incha’allah to work and earn money, I’m not in a hurry. In the meantime, I will stay ready for any volunteer opportunity that comes up.
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