You want to give your time and help? Find our answers to all your frequently asked questions

How can I become a Dir iddik volunteer?

Just register on the Dir iddik website by filling in the registration form available at https://diriddik.ma/fr/inscription. This process may take a few minutes, since you will have to provide some personal details, but be assured that this information will only be used to simplify your contact with the associations and optimize the search for projects in which you could participate.

What are my chances of being selected as a Dir iddik volunteer?

All correctly submitted applications (correct name, functional email address and phone number, etc.) are systematically retained. The big Dir iddik family already numbers more than 70,000 members and continues to grow day by day.

What are the advantages of being a Dir iddik volunteer?

You will have the opportunity to regularly help the associations in your area, complement your academic career while enriching your CV, and above all, meet new people and expand your network. Registering for an event is just a few clicks away and Dir iddik volunteers are contacted directly afterwards. The most active volunteers can take part in the Dir iddik Summit competition, and if they win, they receive a trophy during a ceremony broadcast on television. As a reminder, the Dir iddik Summit is a competition that rewards the most active civil society actors.

What should a volunteer do if they sign up for a project?

Participate and have fun! In addition to the sense of accomplishment felt by the majority of volunteers who generously offer their time, the actions often take place in a friendly atmosphere. Nevertheless, it is important to adhere to some safety instructions (distancing rules during Covid, hats and sunscreen in summer, warm clothes in winter, etc.) and certain practices specific to the host associations (punctuality, courtesy, respect for beneficiaries, etc.) to make each participation a pleasant experience.

Can I bring someone with me?

Of course you can! Indeed, we highly recommend it. Bring your loved ones, friends, colleagues, co-workers and even family members. Volunteering is a shared activity and the associations we work with also encourage this. Nonetheless, to simplify the organization and management of our volunteers, it is necessary for any people accompanying you to also register on www.diriddik.ma. This will allow them to follow the updates from Dir iddik and to transmit the message to mobilize other participants.

As a volunteer, can I also propose projects?

This feature is currently reserved for associations and ambassadors to ensure the quality of the actions featured on the Dir iddik website. However, you can propose an association, a creative idea, an article, a photo or video.

What is the "Volunteer of the Month"?

Each month, we highlight a volunteer, asking them to leave a testimonial to share their experience and encourage others to get involved. To be Volunteer of the Month, you must stand out through your participation in several actions, your diligence and your motivation while collecting 200 points during the month. Our team will contact you and ask you to answer a few questions, which we will then share on our website and social networks.