You want to give your time and help? Find our answers to all your frequently asked questions

What is a Dir iddik project?

The term "project" refers to any action organized by an association registered on www.diriddik.ma and put online on the same website. The projects appear on the homepage, with a dedicated section for upcoming projects accessible at https://diriddik.ma/fr/les-projets-du-mois. An archive of past projects is available at https://diriddik.ma/fr/calendrier.

How easy is it to publish a project?

All registered associations can log in with their login and password. They can then perform a number of operations, including putting a project online. To do so, you just have to fill in a simple and intuitive form, give the action a title, add a description and an image, list the needs and specify the number of volunteers required.

What kind of projects can be put on the website?

Dir iddik imposes very few constraints on registered associations, but the main condition for a project to be featured is that it can mobilize volunteers. As the platform’s primary mission is to connect associations and volunteers wishing to dedicate their time, this is naturally the only indispensable prerequisite, although other criteria also play a role, such as precise objectives, clearly identified beneficiaries, a location that is accessible to the general public, etc.

My association's event lasts a whole weekend, what should I do?

If your event lasts more than one day, you must post a project online for each additional day that the action lasts. In your case, you should create two projects, specifying a different date and the number of volunteers required for each. However, you can keep the same title, the same photo and the same description. The advantage of this approach is that it allows volunteers to only sign up for those days in which they are interested. It also simplifies the tracking of each project using separate statistics and attracts different groups of people, meaning more chances to recruit new members to your association.

How many projects can my association put online?

As many as you want. Our system can manage a very large number of projects as it automates the registration of volunteers and action reminders. Some associations that organize summer camps, for example, publish dozens of projects and easily mobilize hundreds of volunteers thanks to Dir iddik.

My project has been published, how can I promote it?

Dir iddik is in charge of spreading information to volunteers in the region where the action will take place, but nothing prevents you from talking about it on your website and social networks by sharing the project link. Getting the link is easy, you just have to find the project in question on the "Upcoming projects" page, click on the "More details" link, and copy the URL of the page (in the address bar, on top of your browser).