I create my website

To gain visibility, I create my association's website in a few clicks


How can I benefit from the digital kit as an association ?

Any association registered on the diriddik.ma site and having published and completed at least one project on the platform diriddik.ma during the last year can benefit from the Association Pack.

Inwi offers the "Association Pack"

Inwi wishes to encourage associations that trust it and help them in their daily lives by offering the "Association Pack", a free support that will allow them to be known and promote their actions. An exclusive offer to associations registered on the diriddik.ma website having already published and carried out a project calling for volunteers during the past year.

The other advantages of the association pack

Training support

Inwi offers eligible associations a varied training program throughout the year, free of charge, which aims to support them in the implementation of their project and to develop their skills and knowledge.

The training courses cover value-added subjects and are in line with the needs of associations, such as project management, communication techniques and fundraising.

Visibility Support

Inwi offers associations a support in visibility allowing them a better media coverage, through:

  • Poster campaign :

Free advertising visibility to associations via a poster campaign that highlights them and improves their reputation. This local media will also allow associations to reach more people and mobilize more volunteers.

  • Digital campaign and social networks :

Free digital visibility for associations through the creation of web content allowing interaction with volunteers and building a strong relationship with them.

  • The digital pack :

Free digital visibility to associations through the creation of a tailored website on diriddik.ma, a "mini (web)site" personalized and customizable, easy to use and intuitive accessible via diriddik.ma/name-association. The associations are accompanied in the use of the digital kit through educational videos and a user guide.

  • The Site diriddik.ma :

Free visibility to associations through a presentation of the association and the publication of its projects on the platform as well as through articles and interviews published each month on the site.

  • Dir iddik Summit :

Free visibility to the finalist and winning associations through a TV coverage allowing the associations to make themselves known and to present their actions (TV capsules calling for votes and TV capsules of the winners during the Dir iddik Summit which takes place every year end).

Check our FAQ

Don't hesitate to visit our FAQ section to learn more about the creation of your website